- Top
- Sustainability
We aim to build a circular economy through the metal business.
We aim to create systems that lead to the better future.

Sustainability Policy
Mitsui Bussan Metals Co.’s corporate mission as defined in its Mission, Vision, Values (MVV) is to create systems that lead to the better future and to become “Metal Circulation Creators” with building a circular economy through metal business. Based on the MVV, we regard sustainability initiatives as important management issues, and, in accordance with the Mitsui & Co. Group Conduct Guidelines —With Integrity, this policy and sustainability-related policies, place a strong emphasis on sustainability in our corporate management. Our Group will take on the challenge of addressing global issues and contributing to the realization of a sustainable society and economic growth through our business activities.
Role of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors appropriately supervises the Company’s sustainability initiatives, striving to enhance the Company’s corporate value in the medium to long term. Decisions on important issues related to sustainability are subject to final approval by or report to the Board of Directors, following a review by the Sustainability Committee and Corporate Management Committee.
Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure
We regard dialogue with stakeholders as highly important. We strive to implement appropriate disclosure of information and respond sincerely and faithfully to the trust and expectations of our stakeholders.
This policy was approved by the Board of Directors.
Established in November 2022
Human Rights Policy
We will strive to respect human rights through our group business activities in countries and regions around the world, in accordance with our Sustainability Policy and this Policy.
In addition, we expect various stakeholders including our business partners, to understand and respect human rights in line with this Policy, and aim to collaboratively promote respect for human rights.
- Respecting Human Rights in our Business Activities
- We strive not to infringe on human rights in our business activities, nor to contribute to human rights infringements by others through our business relationships, including supply chains.
- Respecting Internationally Recognized Human Rights Standards
- We are committed to respecting human rights, which we understand as, at minimum, those set out in the International Bill of Human Rights and the ILO (International Labour Organization) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We also support the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and conduct our business activities in line with these Principles. We comply with laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we conduct our business activities. Where internationally recognized human rights standards and national/regional laws and regulations are in conflict, we seek ways to honor the principles of internationally recognized human rights while complying with the laws and regulations.
- Governance / Management Structure
- Our Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the adherence to this Policy and the Policy implementation.
- Human Rights Due Diligence
- We will implement human rights due diligence to identify, assess, prevent and mitigate adverse human rights impacts associated with our business activities.
- Human Rights Issues related to Business Activities
- Forced Labor
We do not tolerate forced labor. In addition, we do not tolerate any forms of modern slavery, including bonded labor or human trafficking. - Child Labor
We do not tolerate child labor, and we comply with the minimum working age stipulated by the law. We do not hire individuals that are under the age of 18 for roles requiring hazardous work. - Discrimination
We prohibit any form of discrimination based on race, creed, sex, social status, religion, nationality, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical and mental disability or any other grounds. We respect the individuality and diversity of each individual employee and officer of the Mitsui & Co. group, and seek to cultivate an environment in which they can perform to the best of their abilities. - Harassment and Inhumane Treatment
We do not tolerate any form of harassment, whether physical or mental, including sexual harassment or power harassment. Furthermore, we prohibit any language or behavior that could be harmful to the working environment of others including discriminatory language or behavior as well as harassment. - Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining
We respect the rights of employees to associate freely and bargain collectively in our labor-management relations. - Working Hours and Wages
We monitor employees’ working hours, holidays, leaves of absence and wages to ensure we are operating in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. - Occupational Health and Safety
In line with applicable laws and regulations, we aim to develop safe, healthy working environments in which every individual employee can work with peace of mind. - Community Impact
To prevent adverse impacts on the safety and health of local communities, we conduct human rights impact assessments, covering issues such as prevention of pollution and water stress, and implement necessary measures in line with international standards to avoid risks and mitigate negative impacts. - Stakeholder Engagement
We believe it is critical to understand human rights issues from the perspectives of affected stakeholders. We further recognize that certain groups of stakeholders are more vulnerable to adverse human rights impacts and thus require special attention. We therefore value the importance of dialogues with relevant parties and strive to properly respond to human rights issues associated with our business activities. - Remedy
Where we identify that our business activities have caused adverse human rights impact or contributed to it through our business transactions including our supply chains, we will work to remediate such impacts through appropriate processes. - Grievance Mechanisms
We continue to build upon our whistleblowing procedures and grievance mechanisms to promptly identify and respond to human rights issues related to our employees and officers or wider business activities. - Education and Training
We will provide necessary training and capacity building to our employees and officers to ensure that they understand this Policy and act in line with the commitments in this Policy.
- Forced Labor
Established in November 2022
Sustainable Supply Chain Policy
We will strive to understand the issues associated with the supply chains of our group’s business activities in countries and regions around the world, in accordance with our Sustainability Policy and this Policy, and work with suppliers and other business partners to achieve a sustainable supply chain.
Expectations for Business Partners
We will require our suppliers and other business partners to understand and implement the following principles, and will work collaboratively with them to promote the objectives of this Policy across the entire supply chain:
- Respect for International Standards
- To ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations of relevant countries, fair transactions in accordance with international rules and practice, and corruption prevention.
- Respect for Human Rights
- To strive not to infringe on human rights in our business activities, nor to contribute to human rights infringements by others through our business relationships, including supply chains.
- Forced Labor
Not to tolerate forced labor or any forms of modern slavery, including bonded labor or human trafficking. - Child Labor
Not to tolerate child labor and to comply with the minimum working age stipulated by the law. Not to hire individuals that are under the age of 18 for roles requiring hazardous work. - Discrimination
To prohibit any form of discrimination in employment. - Harassment and Inhumane Treatment
Not to tolerate any form of harassment, irrespective of whether it is physical or mental harassment. - Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining
To respect the rights of employees to associate freely and bargain collectively in our labor-management relations. - Working Hours and Wages
To properly manage employees’ working hours, holidays, leaves of absence, and wages in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. - Occupational Health and Safety
To secure the health and safety of employees in the work environment. - Community Impact
To conduct human rights impact assessments, covering issues such as prevention of pollution and water stress, for prevention of adverse impacts on the safety and health of local communities. To implement necessary measures in line with international standards to avoid risks and mitigate negative impacts.
- Forced Labor
- Initiatives to Address Environmental Issues
- To work with our suppliers and other business partners with the aim of achieving harmony with the environment in our business activities.
- Climate Change
To act to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. - Water Resources
To work to conserve water resources by reducing water consumption and improving the efficiency of water resource use. - Biodiversity
To assess the environmental impact of our business activities and work to conserve biodiversity. - Pollution Prevention
To act to reduce hazardous waste and pollutants and ensure the proper handling of any such materials, and strive to prevent air, water and soil pollution. - Sustainable Resource Use
To improve efficiency in the use of resources and energy and reduce waste.
- Climate Change
- Safety and Security of Products and Services
- To ensure safety and security of products and services.
Remediation Guidance
If a business partner acts in violation of this Policy and causes an adverse impact on the environment or on human rights, we will provide remediation guidance to the business partner. If it is determined that the situation has not improved despite ongoing guidance, we will take measures including a potential reconsideration of the business relationship.
Information Disclosure
We will properly disclose information related to the above principles in a timely manner.
Established in November 2022
Environmental Policy
- 1. Basic Principle
- We are a non-ferrous general trading company dealing in products sales and recycling; to sell not only metal scraps that are directly linked to building a “circular economy” but also non-ferrous metal products that contribute to the environmental conservation through weight-reduction, energy-saving. Through these business activities, we will contribute to the reduction of the burden on the global environment and the sustainable development of society.
- 2. Basic Policy
- Our business is to sell metal scraps and non-ferrous metal products that contribute to the environment by weight-reduction, energy-saving. Based on the following policy, we will build an environmental management system and carry out environmental improvement activities.
- In pursuing our business activities, we will comply with relevant environmental laws and regulations, international standards and other such agreements made by our company.
- We will be aware of the impact of our business activities on the environment and strive to prevent pollution. In addition, we will gain the understanding and cooperation of our business partners, exercise appropriate influence, and give maximum consideration to the environment to the extent technically and economically possible.
- Through the following business activities, we contribute to industrial solutions to environmental problems.
(1) Metal recycling business
(2) Sales of non-ferrous products that contribute to reducing environmental impact
(3) Environmentally friendly transportation - We will set environmental objectives and targets, build a robust environmental management system to achieve them, and pursue continuous improvement through periodic review.
June 29, 2021
Mitsuya Tsuda
President & CEO
Quality Policy
- Quality Policy
- We will comply with laws and regulations.
- We will pursue quality, delivery and service that meet the expectations of our customers.
- We will utilize international standards and evaluations and continue to make improvements to improve quality.
November 1, 2021
Mitsuya Tsuda
President & CEO